CHAOS 2013
11-14 June 2013 Istanbul Turkey
The 6th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation
International Conference

  6th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference

11-14 June 2013, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey

 The Chaotic Modeling and Simulation (CMSIM) Journal  


Conference Program

The Conference is hosted in Yeditepe University
More information at:
Yeditepe University is a foundation university situated in Istanbul, Turkey. Founded in 1996, Yeditepe University now claims to be the largest of the 27 foundation universities in Turkey.
The aim of Yeditepe University is " educate the young group as enlightened individuals, fully capable of dealing with the demands of the contemporary modern world, culturally rounded with technological skills and dedicated to the ideals of secularism, progress and creativity inspired by Atatürk's principles. The educational programs are geared towards securing this objective in the light of rapid global developments of the 21st Century".

Yeditepe University panoramic view