CHAOS 2018
 5 - 8 June 2018 Rome Italy 
The 11th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation
International Conference
Registration Fees CHAOS 2018

Social Programme

Before March 30


April 30

After 1st   of May

No of Persons


□ Welcome Reception (Tuesday  June 5)





□  Half-Day Excursion (Wednesday June 6)

50 €

55 €

60 €


□ Conference   Dinner (Thursday June 7) and lunches

75 €

85 €

90 €


□  Full-day Excursion (Saturday June 9)

80 €

90 €

95 €





Registration fees


March 30


April 30

After 1st of May


□ University member registration1

360 €

440 €

490 €


□ Other Participant registration1

450 €

490 €

520 €


□ Student submitting/presenting a paper registration1

280 €

320 €

360 €


□ Student registration1

180 €

200 €

220 €


□ Accompanying person(s)2

180 €

200 €

220 €


□ Day registration(s)3

250 €

280 €

300 €


Social Programme: Sub-Total




1Registration fee includes: Admission to all sessions, conference bag with book of abstracts, full paper publication, coffee breaks and welcome reception.

2Registration fee includes: Welcome reception, coffee breaks, conference dinner, lunches and the excursions.
3Day registration fee includes: Attendance at that day's Conference sessions, Conference bag with book of abstracts,  full paper publication and coffee breaks.


Half Day Excursion

A trip to know Rome

Full Day Excursion ....